
I've never really appreciated blogs. I tried writing one a while back (at least 5 years ago), but I think the subject matter really wasn't very worthwhile. A friend of mine introduced me to Allie Brosh's blog and I became enamored with her writing.

And then, last year, two of my grandfather's brothers, my great-uncles, passed away. They were the first people that I really knew and held close to my heart that I had lost. This made me painfully aware that my grandparents are not invincible, even though it seems like they are. My grandfather was just complaining on Monday that he can "only ride [his] bike around town for 20 minutes now!" He's 94. Yes, I know... crazy amazing. At the same time, my grandmother's memory has been steadily deteriorating...

I got my BA in Literature because I'd always wanted to be a novelist, but I never really knew what to write about, and my creative writing senior thesis was garbage. It was the worst writing ever. I blame the fact that I was hooked on Harry Potter books at the time, and I tend to mirror what I'm reading. You don't have to judge me - I've done enough of it myself. ;)

And then, I was reading NPR's website and I came across Story Corps Memory Loss Initiative. I knew what I had to do.

So now, I am trying to have dinner with my grandparents at least once a week, and videotape them while I ask them questions about their past. I figured friends and family might want to hear (read) their stories, so here I am. I present to you my blog about The Chinese Warrens.


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