That Creep Who Became My Grandfather
Sometime during World War II, a woman named Joy was insistent that her friend Lily join her in supporting the troops on USO nights at the YWCA. Lily really was not interested in going to these events to spend time with the servicemen. Every USO night, which were Wednesdays, Joy would come over to pick up Lily, so Lily decided to get ready and leave the house before her friend arrived. Joy was too smart though, and anticipating this, she arrived even earlier to pick up Lily. And so, Lily was stuck accompanying her friend to these events. (Update: 1/16/16 Going through old photos, I found a picture of Joy.) There were different things to do at these USO nights, but the main things seemed to be playing at a mah jong table and dancing with the servicemen on leave. On one particular night, Lily was playing mah jong when she saw a young serviceman walk by the table several times, who seemed to be pausing to look at her each time. "Who's that creep?" she ...